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1-21-6 BB RSI Log Pyramid Inverse Trigger mq4

This Expert Advisor (EA) utilizes a combination of Bollinger Bands and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) for market entry and exit points, while incorporating a pyramiding strategy for trade position scaling. The EA opens a buy position when the price reaches the lower band of the Bollinger Bands and the RSI is in the oversold zone. Conversely, it opens a sell position when the price reaches the upper band of the Bollinger Bands and the RSI is in the overbought zone. The pyramiding feature increases position size as the market moves in the right direction, allowing the trader to scale into a winning position. The system closes buy positions when a sell signal is generated and vice versa for sell positions.

此专家顾问(EA)结合了布林带和相对强弱指数(RSI)用于确定市场进出点,并采用金字塔策略进行交易头寸扩展。当价格达到布林带的下轨且RSI处于超卖区时,EA 开立买入头寸。相反,当价格达到布林带的上轨且RSI处于超买区时,它开立卖出头寸。金字塔功能随着市场朝有利方向移动而增加头寸大小,使交易者能够在获胜头寸中逐步加仓。系统在生成卖出信号时关闭买入头寸,反之亦然。

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