1-21-2 BB RSI Log Pyramid DualStar mq4
The Bollinger RSI Candlestick Pro is an automated trading EA that combines Bollinger Bands, RSI, and candlestick pattern analysis. It focuses on entering trades at key market reversals, uses a pyramiding strategy to increase position size when trades move in the favorable direction, and exits positions based on significant candlestick patterns. This EA is designed to maximize profits while maintaining precision in trade execution.
Bollinger RSI Candlestick Pro 是一个自动化交易EA,结合了布林带、RSI和烛台形态分析。它专注于在关键市场反转时进入交易,使用金字塔策略在交易朝有利方向移动时增加仓位,并根据重要的烛台形态退出仓位。该EA旨在在保持交易执行精确性的同时最大化利润。